
Sharepoint template issue

billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
Just playing with Sharepoint at the mo and have installed some templates, one of which is a helpdesk temp, but when i log in as a user and browse to the site and click on helpdesk and then click o a create service request link i am then shown a blank page saying "File not Found" Not sure whats going on here as i cannot find anything in the event viewer. I can log onto the Server as an Administrator and then repeat the steps and it works! Any ideas? I dont think it`s a permission issue as i have opened up all permissions that i have come across.


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    billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Ooooppss, it was a permission issue, fault fixed.

    But i have another issue, not sure if anyone is using the same template somewhere, but i dont want users to be able to access within the Helpdesk, Service rep home, knowledge manager home and service rep manager home, does anyone have any ideas??
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