Passed CCDP Today, 2nd Attempt!

JeremyLeeBuckJeremyLeeBuck Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey Guys,

I passed the CCDP ARCH today 2nd attempt! The test wasn't so bad but I think I put in a good amount of studying and maybe had help from upstairs :).

I studied Cisco Press and CBT's available through Cisco Learning Partners. I think the Self Study guide (the new one, 2nd addition) is more than enough.

I think there is a great deal of value in the CCDP, it's so applicable... so many networks and datacenters today have become antiquated and unmanageable due to old sloppy design and maintenance practice. I would recommend this certification track for anyone looking to actually fix things--and not real-time on the wire, temporarily, but for permanent-good.

Anyone out there studying for this, keep it up. If you can try to apply the material.

-Jeremy Lee Buck


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