
Good way to organize multiple computers

SepiraphSepiraph Member Posts: 179 ■■□□□□□□□□
Recently got myself a 3rd computer at home (plus a 4th work computer) so space is becoming an issue and the whole place is filled with cables. I am moving soon so I figure it's a good time to organize them in the new place.

The computers themselves are pretty small:
- 1 iMini
- 1 cube PC Compaq CQ2009F (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41umuyOxYbL._SL500_AA280_.jpg) running Ubuntu
- 1 HP laptop
- 1 Dell laptop (from work)

But I also want to connect them all using a Cisco 2900 swtch. Any suggestion on any product (e.g. rack) to better organize my computers + switch?
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