ITIL - Oh I just dont like you

So after passing the exam recently and learning all about the wonderfully extensive amount of process and service documentation I have decided that I really dislike this certificate. Not so much the concept of what it attempts to convey, but the testing itself. Seriously, this has got to be one of the most hypothetical and irrelevant sort of test design I have ever seen. The level of abstraction as the terms are described is painstaking. I would rather take an AD design exam and face the obscurity of descriptions/answers any day of the week before I would sit this one again.

.... rant off..

I am sure this is good for management and developing process flow but please god do take into consideration that in the world of getting things done, process adherence and over leveraging can monumentally screw up worker production.
MCSE tests left: 294, 297 |


  • eMeSeMeS Member Posts: 1,875 ■■■■■■■■■□
    CoryS wrote: »
    So after passing the exam recently and learning all about the wonderfully extensive amount of process and service documentation I have decided that I really dislike this certificate. Not so much the concept of what it attempts to convey, but the testing itself. Seriously, this has got to be one of the most hypothetical and irrelevant sort of test design I have ever seen. The level of abstraction as the terms are described is painstaking. I would rather take an AD design exam and face the obscurity of descriptions/answers any day of the week before I would sit this one again.

    .... rant off..

    I am sure this is good for management and developing process flow but please god do take into consideration that in the world of getting things done, process adherence and over leveraging can monumentally screw up worker production.

    I disagree, ITIL is very practical, when presented clearly. The exams are difficult, but can be approached logically, which makes them much easier to overcome.

    I would say that your experience, while unfortunate, is somewhat typical, and is likely the result of having an instructor that did not communicate the information clearly using relevant and practical examples.

    Congrats on passing the exam.

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