
Who really gives out these promo codes anyway?

sjcatsjcat Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
So I took the Icnd2 exam sat and managed to fail by 4 points. That's less than one half of one percent, not that it matters cause a fail is a fail.

I called pearson vue hoping to see if there were any retake promocodes currently active, they said that they don't have anything to do with the promocodes and that cisco lets them know when there are new promo codes. The nice lady gave me the cisco number and told me to call. Of course Cisco said that they have nothing to do with the promo codes and pearson vue handles it on their own. At this point I realize that I'm out another $125 but I just want to know out of curiosity, who really gives out these promo codes anyway?


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