70-648 / 70-649 Upgrade Exam - Study materials


For those looking at the above are you using specific upgrade type books or the standard 70-640 /642 books in preparation for the upgrade exams.

Just curious, as I am using the mspress 70-648 / 70-649 Upgrade training kit which is ok, whereas a friend of mine is doing the MCTS exams from scratch as he's starting with the 70-640 (or whatever it is now 83-640?).

What I'm asking is: would it be more beneficial to look at the standard books rather than the upgrade type books?


  • chrisc320chrisc320 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□

    I just located this forum today and also would be interested in other opinions concerning training for 70-649. I am looking at Transcender/Self Test, Syngress Complete Prep kit,or Microsoft E-Learning. Any thoughts?
  • RobertKaucherRobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I posted a reply to this but it seems to have vanished into the Ether.

    My suggestion to the OP is that you just use the upgrade book. With your background you will easily be able to find material on TechNet or the web to help you fill in any gaps.

    Just be sure to use your test prep software as a way of helping you find out which subjects you are weakest in. But I would not spend additional money if I didn't have to.
  • neathneathneathneathneathneath Member Posts: 438
    thanks for the posts.

    I am persevering with the MSPress upgrade book which is very good but I do find it a bit dry. However, now reading the first 10 chapters for the second time is making a little progress. I've ordered the 70-642 Exam cram book as an alternative slant as i like that series of books.

    I have used Transcender/Self Test for previous exams but cost is an issue at present for me. Good product for preparing for the exam once you have done the ground work. I think Transcender is the better of the two even if they are made by the same firm.

    chrisc320: not used the Syngress Complete Prep kit,or Microsoft E-Learning products so can't comment sorry.
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    thanks for the posts.

    I am persevering with the MSPress upgrade book which is very good but I do find it a bit dry. However, now reading the first 10 chapters for the second time is making a little progress. I've ordered the 70-642 Exam cram book as an alternative slant as i like that series of books.

    I have used Transcender/Self Test for previous exams but cost is an issue at present for me. Good product for preparing for the exam once you have done the ground work. I think Transcender is the better of the two even if they are made by the same firm.

    chrisc320: not used the Syngress Complete Prep kit,or Microsoft E-Learning products so can't comment sorry.

    A lot of people have passed this with the MSPress upgrade book and the CD practice tests in the back of the book. Just fill in any knowledge gaps with Technet. Good luck!
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • chrisc320chrisc320 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the feedback. It is truly appreciated!:D
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