Live Data from SQL to WSS 3.0

RobertKaucherRobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
Just wondering how you guys who are using WSS 3.0 are integrating it with any live business data you might have.

What I have been working on of late is extracting relevant business data from our SQL Server and presenting it in a summarized fasion to my users as charts and dashboard type pages.

My question is, since WSS does not have the BDC, how are you guys going about extracting data from your SQL server or whatever and displaying it to your users?

The easies way I have found is using ChartPart and a PowerShell. I extract the data from SQL and add it to a custom list with PowerShell and then use ChartPart to display it. Are there any Web Parts you have written or purchased that have helped you?
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