Web Browser Lockdown

ITguy83ITguy83 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi everyone,

I am looking for a way to allow users access to only certain sites. We are currently using steady state to lock down the computer and web browsing but I am not completely happy with it. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other software that is free.



  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    If you have some old Hardware and 2 NICs you could look at ClarkConnect. Fairly inexpensive.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    What Plantwiz said. Put a proxy in between the client machine and the internet.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Check out Untangle.
  • veritas_libertasveritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
  • Tin32Tin32 Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Maybe OpenDNS | Internet Navigation And Security ? It's free and does a great job.

    I second this.
  • crrussell3crrussell3 Member Posts: 561
    Maybe OpenDNS | Internet Navigation And Security ? It's free and does a great job.

    +1 I have used OpenDNS at a previous job and currently use it at home and have no issues.
    MCTS: Windows Vista, Configuration
    MCTS: Windows WS08 Active Directory, Configuration
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