
Does anyone know if it is possible to farm dsp resources on the 1760V.
I go under voice-card 0 and dont have a "dsp" option to key in dsp services dspfarm.
Any help is appreciated.
Does anyone know if it is possible to farm dsp resources on the 1760V.
I go under voice-card 0 and dont have a "dsp" option to key in dsp services dspfarm.
Any help is appreciated.
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
From the UCM7 SRND - Should be supported.
Hardware Audio Conference Bridge (Cisco NM-HDV and 1700 Series Routers)
The following guidelines and considerations apply to these DSP resources:
•This hardware utilizes the PVDM-256K type modules that are based on the C549 DSP chipset.
•Conferences using this hardware provide bridges that allow up to 6 participants in a single bridge.
•The resources are configured on a per-DSP basis as conference bridges.
•The NM-HDV may have up to 5 PVDM-256K modules, while the Cisco 1700 Series Routers may have 1 or 2 PVDM-256K modules.
•Each DSP provides a single conference bridge that can accept G.711 or G.729 calls.
•The Cisco 1751 is limited to 5 conference calls per chassis, and the Cisco 1760 can support 20 conference calls per chassis.
•Any PVDM2-based hardware, such as the NM-HDV2, may be used simultaneously in a single chassis for voice termination but may not be used simultaneously for other media resource functionality. The DSPs based on PVDM-256K and PVDM2 have different DSP farm configurations, and only one may be configured in a router at a time.CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
Configuring Conferencing and Transcoding (PVDM-256K)
Perform this task to configure a DSP farm for conferencing and transcoding services using the PVDM-256K on the Cisco 1751 or Cisco 1760.
Prerequisites for Conferencing and Transcoding on the Cisco 1751 or Cisco 1760
Determine that there are enough DSPs available for conferencing and transcoding services by using the show voice dsp command.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. dspfarm confbridge maximum sessions number
4. dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions number
5. dspfarm
6. exitCCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
nutech444 Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi Pitviper,
Thanks! I was able to key in the summary commands without any problems, also added some other commands so looks like the the dsp services work. I am now looking to configure the 1760 with dsp profiles to group the resources.
I cannot find any guide for the 1760 specifically, here is what I found on cisco.
2.configure terminal
3.sccp ccm group group-number
4.associate ccm identifier-number priority priority-number
5.associate profileprofile-identifier register device-name
6.bind interface interface-type interface-number
7.description string
the problem is I cannot enter the command "sccp ccm group"
there is no option for "group" only "ip address"
Router(config)#sccp ccm ?
Hostname or A.B.C.D Specify the IP address of the Call Manager
Please help!
Nutech. -
mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
What's your IOS Version?
The sccp ccm group command was added in 12.3( 8 )T
Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference - Commands: sccp through service-type call-check [Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.3 T] - Cisco Systems:mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set! -
nutech444 Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi Mike,
The IOS version is c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T10.bin. there is no sccp ccm group command
Nutech. -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
Here's my config on a 2811 - It's a little different but may help...
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
sccp local FastEthernet0/0.100
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7 <- 1st CCM Server IP
sccp ccm identifier 2 version 7 <- Subsequent CCM Server IP
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate ccm 2 priority 2
associate profile 1 register HW-CFB_PUB <- Enhanced bridge use name, standard use CFB<int MAC address>
dspfarm profile 1 conference
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
no shutdown
show sccp
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
2811GW01#sh sccp
SCCP Admin State: UP
Gateway Local Interface: FastEthernet0/0
IPv4 Address:
Port Number: 2000
IP Precedence: 5
User Masked Codec list: None
Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Priority: N/A, Version: 7.0, Identifier: 1
Trustpoint: N/A
Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Priority: N/A, Version: 7.0, Identifier: 2
Trustpoint: N/A
Conferencing Oper State: ACTIVE - Cause Code: NONE
Active Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
TCP Link Status: CONNECTED, Profile Identifier: 1
Reported Max Streams: 16, Reported Max OOS Streams: 0
Supported Codec: g711ulaw, Maximum Packetization Period: 30
Supported Codec: g711alaw, Maximum Packetization Period: 30
Supported Codec: g729ar8, Maximum Packetization Period: 60
Supported Codec: g729abr8, Maximum Packetization Period: 60
Supported Codec: g729r8, Maximum Packetization Period: 60
Supported Codec: g729br8, Maximum Packetization Period: 60
Supported Codec: rfc2833 dtmf, Maximum Packetization Period: 30
Supported Codec: rfc2833 pass-thru, Maximum Packetization Period: 30
Supported Codec: inband-dtmf to rfc2833 conversion, Maximum Packetization Period: 30
show sccp ccm group 1
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
2811GW01#sh sccp ccm group 1
CCM Group Identifier: 1
Description: None
Binded Interface: None
Associated CCM Id: 1, Priority in this CCM Group: 1
Associated CCM Id: 2, Priority in this CCM Group: 2
Associated Profile: 1, Registration Name: HW-CFB-PUBc2
Registration Retries: 3, Registration Timeout: 10 sec
Keepalive Retries: 3, Keepalive Timeout: 30 sec
CCM Connect Retries: 3, CCM Connect Interval: 10 sec
Switchover Method: GRACEFUL, Switchback Method: GRACEFUL_GUARD
Switchback Interval: 10 sec, Switchback Timeout: 7200 sec
Signaling DSCP value: cs3, Audio DSCP value: ef
show dspfarm profile 1
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
2811GW01#sh dspfarm profile 1
Dspfarm Profile Configuration
Profile ID = 1, Service = CONFERENCING, Resource ID = 1
Profile Description :
Profile Service Mode : Non Secure
Profile Admin State : UP
Profile Operation State : ACTIVE
Application : SCCP Status : ASSOCIATED
Resource Provider : FLEX_DSPRM Status : UP
Number of Resource Configured : 2
Number of Resource Available : 2
Codec Configuration
Codec : g711ulaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g711alaw, Maximum Packetization Period : 30 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729ar8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729abr8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729r8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not Required
Codec : g729br8, Maximum Packetization Period : 60 , Transcoder: Not RequiredCCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
I think the difference might be enhanced IOS conference bridge (28xx/38xx) vs standard (26xx/17xx) – I found this old article:
1. Copy mac-address of the interface that you want to use to register with Callmanager. (match with sccp local command)
2. Add a new IOS conference bridge with device name "CFBxxxxxxxxxxxx" or a new IOS Transcoder with "MTPxxxxxxxxxxxx".
3. Type the following commands in the router
########Enable DSPfarm services under appropriate slot################
voice-card 1
dsp services dspfarm
###############Activates dsp farm and sets max number of sessions#################
dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions 4 —- configures max number of conf. sessions (4 transcoding sessions take 1 dsp)
dspfarm confbridge maximum sessions 2 —- configurs max number of transcoding sessions (1 conferencing session take 1 dsp)
sccp local FastEthernet0/0.2 —- specifies a local interface to use to register with callmanager. Use mac-address of this interface.
sccp —- globally enables SCCP.
sccp ccm priority 1 —- specifies the callmanager with priority of 1. Specify up to 4 callmanagers.
sccp ccm priority 2 —– specify backup callmanager
If the transcoder or Cfb does not register with callmanager,
a. try reset it from callmanager.
b. do a "no sccp" and then do a "sccp" and see if it registers.CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
I have a 1760 laying around – Let me know if you’re still stuck and I’ll see if I can get it to register w/the CM tomorrow.CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
nutech444 Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi Pitviper,
Thanks for the info.
I have seen the 2811s and 2801s will take this command without issues but may complain if the router lacks dsp resources. Here is what happens when I enter the command on the 1760
Router(config)#dspfarm profile 1 conference
it should go to Router(config-dspfarm-profile)# mode to input the rest of the commands such as "associate application SCCP" but it is still in global config mode.
Please let me know if you are able to register with the ccm.
Nutech -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
The example in post #8 works fine – I got the 1760 registered with CUCM7 and tested the bridge. I also get the same result when I try to configure a DSPFarm profile, but again the DSPs in the 1760 (PVDM-256K) can only do standard (legacy) IOS conference bridge and not enhanced (PVDM2).
Here's my config and verification:
v1760_HWCB(config)#dspfarm confbridge maximum sessions 4
v1760_HWCB(config)#dspfarm transcoder maximum sessions 8
v1760_HWCB(config)#sccp local FastEthernet0/0
v1760_HWCB(config)#sccp ccm priority 1 version 3.1+
v1760_HWCB(config)#sccp ccm priority 2 version 3.1+
v1760_HWCB#show sccp
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
SCCP Admin State: UP
Gateway IP Address:
Switchover Method: IMMEDIATE, Switchback Method: GUARD_TIMER
Switchback Guard Timer: 1200 sec, IP Precedence: 5
Max Supported MTP sessions: 0
User Masked Codec list: None
Transcoding Oper State: DOWN - Cause Code: NOT_REGIS_WITH_CCM
Active Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Conferencing Oper State: ACTIVE - Cause Code: NONE
Active Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Priority: 1, Version: 3.1 or Higher
Call Manager:, Port Number: 2000
Priority: 2, Version: 3.1 or Higher
v1760_HWCB#show dspfarm
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
DSPFARM Configuration Information:
Admin State: UP, Oper Status: ACTIVE - Cause code: NONE
Transcoding Sessions: 8(Avail: 8 ), Conferencing Sessions: 4 (Avail: 4)
Trans sessions for mixed-mode conf: 0 (Avail: 0), RTP Timeout: 600
Connection check interval 600 Codec G729 VAD: ENABLED
v1760_HWCB#sh dspfarm all
<<<<<<<<<< OUTPUT >>>>>>>>>>
DSPFARM Configuration Information:
Admin State: UP, Oper Status: ACTIVE - Cause code: NONE
Transcoding Sessions: 8(Avail: 8 ), Conferencing Sessions: 4 (Avail: 4)
Trans sessions for mixed-mode conf: 0 (Avail: 0), RTP Timeout: 600
Connection check interval 600 Codec G729 VAD: ENABLED
sess_id conn_id stype mode codec pkt ripaddr rport sport
16778219 33554933 conf sendrecv g711u 20 21550 21846
16778219 33554926 conf sendrecv g729b 20 20088 19038
16778219 33554921 conf sendrecv g711u 20 29482 25426
16778219 33554919 conf sendrecv g711u 20 29496 23160
Total number of active session(s) 1, and connection(s) 4
0 0 1 UP USED conf 16778219 33554919 4421 4416
0 0 2 UP USED conf 16778219 33554921 4419 4413
0 0 3 UP USED conf 16778219 33554926 476 1800
0 0 4 UP USED conf 16778219 33554933 242 235
0 0 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 0 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 1 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 2 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 3 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 4 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 1 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 1 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 2 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 3 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 4 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 2 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 1 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 2 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 3 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 4 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 5 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 3 6 UP FREE conf - - - -
0 4 1 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 4 2 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 4 3 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 4 4 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 5 1 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 5 2 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 5 3 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 5 4 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 6 1 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 6 2 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 6 3 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 6 4 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 7 1 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 7 2 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 7 3 UP FREE xcode - - - -
0 7 4 UP FREE xcode - - - -
Total number of DSPFARM DSP channel(s) 40CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
nutech444 Member Posts: 50 ■■□□□□□□□□
Okay! I followed what you did and it works now, my router thanks you he can now talk to his buddy ccm.
I think I need to a get a 2801 or 2811 in the mix I wonder which one of these models have dsps built in the motherboard ( so I dont have to spend on the chips) . I did some looking around looks like the 2801 have 2 dsps built in or so not sure.
Anyways thanks a lot man for taking the time and helping me out on this.
Nutech -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
No problem - You helped me find a good use for the 1760s
All of the 28xx have native PVDM2 support BUT you either have to buy the modules, or get one of the bundles that come with them pre-installed – They have built in slots (just like the 1760) but none have the DSPs on the motherboard.CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
dazing Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello,pitciper,I got the same problem in 1751
I have a question on the config you gave
sccp local FastEthernet0/0
sccp ccm (Callmanager's address) priority 1 version 3.1+
sccp ccm priority 2 version 3.1+
Is there a Callmanager necessary? Or could also use the Callmanager Express?
Do I write two Callmanager's address on priority 1 and priority 2 if I want to use the confbridge and transcoder both?
Look forward to your reply!
Thanks! -
azaghul Member Posts: 569 ■■■■□□□□□□
Sorry to re-raise this, just working through it now on both a 3725 (enhanced) and a 1760 (standard)...
In IOS enhanced conference bridges, on the router we we have to do a manual registration via the CLI, and in CUCM enter the resource name "CFBxxxxxxxxxxxx"sccp ccm group 1 associate ccm 1 priority 1 associate profile 1 register CFBxxxxxxxxxxxx
But in IOS (standard) conference bridges where we cannot do sccp ccm groups, the registration of "CFBxxxxxxxxxxxx" (or MTPxxxxxxxxxxxx) is assumed from the MAC of the physical interface, and in CUCM we still enter the resource name "CFBxxxxxxxxxxxx" (or MTPxxxxxxxxxxxx)sccp local <interface>
I'd been trying to use the hostname of the router for the resource name in an IOS (standard) conference bridge. Then I remembered this thread...
Could somebody confirm (or shoot down) my understanding?
Dave -
pitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
Yes, that is correct – Enhanced bridge you can specify the name, standard you need to use the CFB<MAC> or MTP<MAC> format.
On a side note – I recently setup conferencing resources on a bunch of CME routers (2851s) and it's pretty much the same exact syntax as the enhanced config – Just need to point SCCP CCM to the IP of the CME box, and add a few lines to the telephony-services config:
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm tag 1 <NAME FROM SCCP CCM GROUP>
conference hardwareCCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT -
azaghul Member Posts: 569 ■■■■□□□□□□
Thanks for that confirmation...I'll also add the other info to my CME notes, never know when it might come in handy.
I always love the Cisco docs, where they only give you part of a solution, but it makes it more of a challenge to learn. And something learnt harder is (usually) less easily forgotten.