Configure PPP Dialer to automatically start

KhattabKhattab Member Posts: 97 ■■□□□□□□□□

I have a PPP dialer that dials out to my ISP set up on my Windows 2003 server. I want to have this dialer start up automatically so that if i ever need to remotely reboot the server, the server will reboot and then re-establish it's internet connection.

I know how to configure it to launch at startup, and it works.... all i had to do was set it up to not prompt for username and password, and i put a shortcut in the startup folder. So as soon as i log in, the PPP dialer launches and establishes the internet connection.

But the problem with that, is that the PPP dialer only launches after i actually LOG IN, which doesnt really serve the purpose because i reboot it while i'm offsite, i cant connect to the server if it isnt on the internet.

Is there any way i can get around this? Can i somehow start the dialer as a service so that it will start without needing to log in? Are there any other ways i can make this work?


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