

CalahadCalahad Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
My name is Calvin (Calahad), and I've recently decided to start on my IT path after 2 years of college. I attended the University of Kansas for two years and was forced to leave after running out of funds to pay for college. I was a full time employee and a full time student (still managed to make the honor roll one semester), but I knew that I couldn't do both. Considering the cost of education and the physical stress of work (I work in a -20 below freezer), I knew I need another option. I've always been the go-to guy in my family and friends for fixing computers. I've always been fascinated with computers and for the past few months I've come to the conclusion that this is exactly what I want to do. I'm currently studying for my A+601,602 and I hope to get my foot in the door somewhere whilst I work on some MS or Cisco certs...
I've recently purchase a few books from Amazon, but I noticed that it covered the CompTia objectives for 2006... I know that this isn't the most modern material, but does anyone know what changes have been made for the current exams? Further, I noticed some of the questions in the study exam relate to the history of certain advancements within processors (32 bit path within processors, particular processors with their corresponding sockets etc.) Are these things very important, because I feel that I'm spending a lot of time trying to memorize them...
I must say that I'm glad to have found this website as it is very, very helpful and most of the members seem very friendly and approachable. Thank you for your time.
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