Passed 647 - MCITP EA complete

Finally sat and passed the 647.
Pretty straightforward exam as most have said.
I used the Trainsignal videos for a quick review of some topics im less familiar with.
Not a bad set of videos for this exam but they did miss about 3 topics entirely.
On to MCITP VA beta and probably ISA 2006 cert because work is sending me to a class on it in January.
Pretty straightforward exam as most have said.
I used the Trainsignal videos for a quick review of some topics im less familiar with.
Not a bad set of videos for this exam but they did miss about 3 topics entirely.
On to MCITP VA beta and probably ISA 2006 cert because work is sending me to a class on it in January.
jrmeulemans Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey dude, can you break this exam down a bit for me? I have a Sybex review book for this exam...its not very big..prolly like 4-500 pages. My question is, with only having completed the 640, is it possible to take this exam, or will there be a significant foundation missing from the 642/646 exams? Thanks in advance. -
Hyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
There is siginifigant foundation from the other 2 exams (642/643) that deal with Terminal Services, Sharepoint, High Availability just to name a few.
I wouldnt advise skipping to the 647 without signifigant real world experience with the topics covered.
mcmrmint- thanks! glad to know I have some people cheering for me, lol.