Exam material

Hello, this is a great site..
I as wondering what most people are using for study material for Win Server 70-640 70-642 70-643 I know there is a lot of good training material out there but just curios.. Is Transcenders stuff any good?
Thanks again
I as wondering what most people are using for study material for Win Server 70-640 70-642 70-643 I know there is a lot of good training material out there but just curios.. Is Transcenders stuff any good?
Thanks again
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
The MS Press books, a home lab, Transcender/MeasureUp are usually a good combination for the new MCITP exams. MeasureUp have improved their act and their stuff is way better than they used to be. They might not be in the same league as Transcender but they are quite good.