Juniper Certification Exam Price Changes
Effective March 1, 2010, the associate-level Juniper Networks Technical Certification Program (JNTCP) exams will be lowered to $100 per certification. We encourage you to take advantage of this low price point to begin your certification track with Juniper Networks. At the same time, the price of our specialist-level JNTCP exams will be raised to $200 each to align more closely with industry-standard pricing. JNTCP lab exam prices for the professional-level and expert-level exams will also be raised to $1,400.
2010 GOALS
TheShadow Member Posts: 1,057 ■■■■■■□□□□
If you are wondering why no one commented, look down about 10 subjects and notice the lengthy thread from several weeks ago.
So all is not lost on this one, Juniper sent out emails this week about their green program which is almost identical to Microsofts. No more free certificates guys. Print them yourself or pay for them. I received four but I never got a junos one. oh well sign of the times. if you did not get an email then check your spam folder. that is where mine was, thanks outlook.Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of technology?... The Shadow DO