CME-to-CME Presence

So tonight I sat down and thought you know what I have never tried to get two CME box's to share presence across each other... So I pulled a configuration together and got it working... Figured I would share in case anyone hadn't seen how it was done or had any questions...

SIP/SCCP enpoints - > CME1 - WAN - CME2 <- SIP/SCCP endpoints


presence call-list (used for Directory Lookup presence status)
server (IP address of CME2)
watcher all (allows for external watcher)
allow subscribe (all for external subscribe)
presence enable (used for Sip phones ..not needed if only SCCP environment)
ephone-dn 1
allow watch (allows for others to monitor your dn)
ephone 1
presence call-list (Directory lookup)
voice register dn 1
allow watch
voice register pool 1
presence call-list
dial-peer voice 100 voip
destination-pattern (CME2-DN's)
incoming called (CME1-DN's)
session protocol sipv2
session target (CME2-IP)
codec/dtmf/vad - optional
Same Configuration except use CME1's DN's/Ip's
Debug commands that are useful

Debug voice dialpeer inout
Debug ccsip messages
The quality of a book is never equated to the number of words it contains. -- And neither should be a man by the number of certifications or degree's he has earned.


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