70-642 dynamic updating of ptr records and host records

I'm studying for the 70-642 exam. I'm confused about what the rules are for updating dynamically. Below is what I believe the book states. In red are my questions regarding the topic. Thank you for your time.
For host records to be updated they must have the following
1. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties.
2. a primary dns suffix must be assigned to the computer either manually or through AD memberships
3. the preferred dns server for the specified client must host a dns zone that matched the clients dns suffix.
4. The primary zone for the hosted at the preferred dns server must be configured to allow secure updates or secure and unsecure updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -static address
1. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties.
2. a primary dns suffix must be assigned to the computer either manually or through AD memberships
3. the preferred dns server for the specified client must host a dns zone that matched the clients dns suffix.
4. The primary zone for the hosted at the preferred dns server must be configured to allow secure updates or secure and unsecure updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -DHCP workgroup
1. dhcp server and the dns client must be configured with the dns server as the preffered dns server
2. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties
3. DnS client must be configured with the correct dns suffix either specified manually or learned from a dhcp server?
4. DNS server must host appropriate correct forward and reverse lookup zones
1. Shouldn't the use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration be checked as well?
2. Shouldn't the DNS server also be configured to allow secures ad unsecured updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -DHCP AD membership
1. The use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration should be checked
2. the client's preferred dns server must host the forward and reverse lookup zones.
1. Shouldn't the DNS server also be configured to allow dynamic secured updates?
I know this is a lot of information and questions. Can anyone recommend an good reading material on this topic? Maybe a link? Your help is greatly appreciated.
For host records to be updated they must have the following
1. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties.
2. a primary dns suffix must be assigned to the computer either manually or through AD memberships
3. the preferred dns server for the specified client must host a dns zone that matched the clients dns suffix.
4. The primary zone for the hosted at the preferred dns server must be configured to allow secure updates or secure and unsecure updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -static address
1. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties.
2. a primary dns suffix must be assigned to the computer either manually or through AD memberships
3. the preferred dns server for the specified client must host a dns zone that matched the clients dns suffix.
4. The primary zone for the hosted at the preferred dns server must be configured to allow secure updates or secure and unsecure updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -DHCP workgroup
1. dhcp server and the dns client must be configured with the dns server as the preffered dns server
2. the register this conections address in DNS needs to be enabled in advanced tcp/ip properties
3. DnS client must be configured with the correct dns suffix either specified manually or learned from a dhcp server?
4. DNS server must host appropriate correct forward and reverse lookup zones
1. Shouldn't the use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration be checked as well?
2. Shouldn't the DNS server also be configured to allow secures ad unsecured updates?
For PTR records to update in DNS dynamically -DHCP AD membership
1. The use this connection's dns suffix in dns registration should be checked
2. the client's preferred dns server must host the forward and reverse lookup zones.
1. Shouldn't the DNS server also be configured to allow dynamic secured updates?
I know this is a lot of information and questions. Can anyone recommend an good reading material on this topic? Maybe a link? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Rootstonian Member Posts: 64 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello fellow 642'er. I just finished the book Friday and am going through the MeasureUp testing and reviewing in order to sit the exam.
Wish I could help you on this one, but I found it somewhat confusing too. Hopefully those with some experience can explain why/when you would want to change the default settings.