Other "free" tests

RootstonianRootstonian Member Posts: 64 ■■□□□□□□□□
I'm doing the MeasureUp test from MSPress for 70-642 (Windows Infrastructure). Seems like all the questions either repeat or are ones from the book.

Any other free tests I can get for exam prep?

Thanks in advance.


Nervous about first-ever cert test


P.S. Finished book last week; 57% on full test. Reviewing weak spots now and I'm setting the exam date for 02.04.10


  • LukeQuakeLukeQuake Member Posts: 579 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I personally can't stand the MeasureUp practice tests, in my opinion the questions are poorly worded.

    I appreciate that you were looking for 'free' practice questions but I'd strongly suggest investing in the Transcenders exam set for this test.

    Transcender IT Certification Prep Training Products - Practice Exams and More

    Speak to your company/boss (if you are currrently employed) and see if they will buy these for you.
  • RootstonianRootstonian Member Posts: 64 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Kinda pricey for me since I'm out of work. I did get a voucher # for a free re-take, so at this point, I'm going to see if I can hit 90's on the MeasureUp test and go for it.

    If it's an epic fail, then the Transcender is probably a good buy.

    Thank you!

    P.S. I know I'll probably get Transcender on 70-640 (Active Directory) cuz it's like an 800 page book! :)
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