WDS - Images to a non PXE Compliant PC

What is the procedure for deploying an image via WDS for a non PXE compliant PC?
alokin123 Member Posts: 268
What is the procedure for deploying an image via WDS for a non PXE compliant PC?
You need to create a discover image which essentially turns into a cd you boot from on the client pc:
Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Deployment Services in Windows Server 2003
Deploying Vista – Part 20: Working With Discover Images -
LukeQuake Member Posts: 579 ■■■□□□□□□□
Just so that I have my notes correct, does this make sense (short hand/reference):-
Capture Image = Images of base machine, with all apps etc installed.
Install Image = Images where sysprep has already been run and you are converting into a .WIM file
Discover Image = Image to deploy to non PXE compliant machines. -
alokin123 Member Posts: 268
Just so that I have my notes correct, does this make sense (short hand/reference):-
Capture Image = Images of base machine, with all apps etc installed.
Install Image = Images where sysprep has already been run and you are converting into a .WIM file
Discover Image = Image to deploy to non PXE compliant machines.
I would look at it this way:
Boot Image - Boot images are Windows PE images that you boot a client computer into to perform an OS installation. You can then choose an OS to install from the Install Image/s that you have added to the WDS server to install.
Capture Image - a boot image that you boot a client PC into to capture the OS into a .wim file. Use when you want to capture a custom OS install on which you have run sysprep on.
Discover Image - use to install an OS on a PC that is not capable of network booting using the Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE)
Install Image - the OS images that you deploy to the client computer.
You boot from a Boot, Capture or Discover images.
That may be oversimplified but that's how i understand it