what the diff btw seize and transfer fsmo??

NetAdmin2436 Member Posts: 1,076
Always, always, always transfer if possible. It's a much cleaner and easier way and is what Microsoft recommends. Transferring requires that your old DC is still working and on the network. Think of it as a nice easy transition.
Only seize if you absolutely have to. ie, the server blew up or has disappeared. You can seize a role when the old DC is not on the network. Think of it as like a forceful repossession.WIP: CCENT/CCNA (.....probably) -
pennystrader Member Posts: 155
NetAdmin is completely right and you should transfer vs seizing unless there is no other choice.
This here is taken from a good article on this and tells what could happen. Here is the actual link.
Seizing FSMO Roles
What will happen if you do not perform the seize in time? This table has the info:
FSMO Role Loss implications
Schema The schema cannot be extended. However, in the short term no one will notice a missing Schema Master unless you plan a schema upgrade during that time.
Domain Naming Unless you are going to run DCPROMO, then you will not miss this FSMO role.
RID Chances are good that the existing DCs will have enough unused RIDs to last some time, unless you're building hundreds of users or computer object per week.
PDC Emulator Will be missed soon. NT 4.0 BDCs will not be able to replicate, there will be no time synchronization in the domain, you will probably not be able to change or troubleshoot group policies and password changes will become a problem.
Infrastructure Group memberships may be incomplete. If you only have one domain, then there will be no impact.
Important: If the RID, Schema, or Domain Naming FSMOs are seized, then the original domain controller must not be activated in the forest again. It is necessary to reinstall Windows if these servers are to be used again.
The following table summarizes the FSMO seizing restrictions:
FSMO Role Restrictions
Schema Original must be reinstalled
Domain Naming
PDC Emulator Can transfer back to original
The more knowledge one obtains the more there is too accumulate.....