Work in Canada??

billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
Finally my wife and i have the Permanant Residency accepted so we can live and work in Canada, my main conern is finding employment and just wanted to ask anyone who is working in Canada (BC Area) what the chances are of me finding employment within IT, we have given ourselves around 6 -10 months to find work when we initially move.


  • matradleymatradley Member Posts: 549
    I am not fully sure how the status of employment is out west. However, government-wise, hiring has been frozen. We might see something in the new fiscal year, but I would not hold my breath. On the private side, you can probably pick up contracts no problem. One major concept to gain employment in Canada is bilingualism.
    From Security+ book by Sybex:
    "One of the nice things about technology is that it's always changing. One of the bad things about technology is that it's always changing."
  • SepiraphSepiraph Member Posts: 179 ■■□□□□□□□□
    BC has some jobs, not as much as in the GTA area but I do see postings from time to time. Your best bet is to try to start applying now, and also search out companies in your city on the internet and then try sending out resume. Also try to work with recruiters in the city.
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Cheers guys, i am looking at areas from Vancouver to Chilliwack, so anything in between would be great, Maple Ridge, Langely, Abbotsford etc.
  • binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    I'm not trying to discourage you, but sometimes it's good to know the facts.
    Currently, the labor market, especially IT job market is depressing. Few days ago, it came in the news that upto 500,000 Canadians will run out of unemployment insurance as they continue to be unemployed.

    CBC News - Money - Canadians running out of EI: report

    I believe you will have extreme difficulty getting a job without "Canadian experience" while thousands of Canadians look for jobs.
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Grim reading indeed, but i see they are saying that it takes roughly 16 weeks to find work? We have a budget that allows us up to a year in order for either my wife or myself to find employment, and 500,000 is not that many compared to the size of the cities and in England, more than 2.5 milion are unemployed but work can still be found! Although not nice to read, i hope things will pick up soon.
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