MS Project Viewer?

Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
Does anyone know of a way to view a Microsoft Project 2007 file(.mpp)? I have over 50 users who either need or want to be able to do so, but have already run out of licenses. At +$500 a pop, there is no way I can get approval for more.. Some people only need to view the project file, but there is no M$ Project viewer available. I can't use 3rd party software either, because whatever I choose would have to go through an approval process that takes on average 15 months! And there's no guarantee I won't wait 15 months, and then get denied...

Someone mentioned they could be viewed as an .xml file, but if I just change the extension it doesn't work...

Any ideas?.....
i remain, he who remains to be....


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