network structure for gaming shop ?

arsalan921arsalan921 Member Posts: 56 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello guys,

need some help for my assignment....

You have been assigned by your company to set up a network for Ian gamming shop.The shop will have more then 20 computers for multiplayer gamming and 5 computers for personal or business use.The shop will include printers,server,fax and photocopier
Your have to recommend the network topology,architecture,wired or wireless,network peripherals,security and budget
Whether you should link the gaming computers with the personal or busniess computers?Recommend a server for suitable for the heavy load of multiplayer gaming.Any suitable recommendation

thank you


  • astorrsastorrs Member Posts: 3,139 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Instead of having someone here do most of the assignment for you by coming up with the initial design; why not show how you might address the criteria by proposing a design and allowing the members here to critique it and offer suggestions on how to improve it (if applicable).

    Just my 2¢.
  • arsalan921arsalan921 Member Posts: 56 ■■□□□□□□□□
    i have thought solution on it,
    it would be a wired solution,
    star topology,
    2 lan switches would b used ,
    1 for 5 business computers
    1 for 20 customer computers. and
    there will be 1 server used for gaming ( microsoft server 2003 ) is it ok ? or anyother ? .

    business computers and customer computers need not to be connected together? what do you say on this ? is there any need to connect business computers with customer computers ? if yes , then for what reason, i believe that they should be seperate

    ethernet cables would be used to connect computers to switch.
    speed would be 100Mbps. because gaming is quite heavy so high speed is required.

    now pls give some suggestions ?
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    Does the gaming system really need to be connected to the primary business system, or could it be more optimal if they were two physically separate systems? Consider the business factors of the computer systems too. For example:
    • Do the business computers require any local servers, or is all business conducted "in the cloud?"
    • Do the two systems need to exchange/co-mingle data?
    • Is the data on one system much more important than the data on the other?
    • What sort of backup/redundancy would a business system require versus a gaming system?
    • What sort of security benefits/problems could be caused by joining/separating the two systems?
    • What is the cost difference between the two designs in terms of hardware, software, space, and energy required?
    • Are there any proven technologies that could help reduce cost of the system(s)?
    Have a go at answering these questions. It's actually quite fun to conjure different scenarios given specific space, time, energy, budget, and business limitations.
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    arsalan921 wrote: »
    i have thought solution on it,
    it would be a wired solution,
    star topology,
    2 lan switches would b used ,
    1 for 5 business computers
    1 for 20 customer computers. and
    there will be 1 server used for gaming ( microsoft server 2003 ) is it ok ? or anyother ? .

    business computers and customer computers need not to be connected together? what do you say on this ? is there any need to connect business computers with customer computers ? if yes , then for what reason, i believe that they should be seperate

    ethernet cables would be used to connect computers to switch.
    speed would be 100Mbps. because gaming is quite heavy so high speed is required.

    now pls give some suggestions ?

    I'd put the customer computers on isolated private vlan ports so that they couldn't talk to anything except through the default gateway.
  • neo468neo468 Member Posts: 123
    I'd put the customer computers on isolated private vlan ports so that they couldn't talk to anything except through the default gateway.
    +1 on setting up a separate VLAN for the two computer groups.

    JD made a great summary of key areas to analyze for the design and implementation.
    1's and 0's
  • NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
    arsalan921 wrote: »
    Hello guys,

    need some help for my assignment....

    You have been assigned by your company to set up a network for Ian gamming shop.The shop will have more then 20 computers for multiplayer gamming and 5 computers for personal or business use.The shop will include printers,server,fax and photocopier
    Your have to recommend the network topology,architecture,wired or wireless,network peripherals,security and budget
    Whether you should link the gaming computers with the personal or busniess computers?Recommend a server for suitable for the heavy load of multiplayer gaming.Any suitable recommendation

    thank you

    I had an assignment like this for math class, and I used Visio 2007.

    You can get the student version for a discount, or you can just download the free version, which has less features.

    Additionally, I used an invoice sheet in excel to keep track of computers, budget, and

    equipment. I had to browse various sites to get prices and measurements. My assignment

    was for a math class, so I had to measure the walls, how much paint I needed, cables,

    phones, ect..ect.. Also, I had to write equations in Microsoft Word for each item that I

    had budgeted, and there had to be one equation for each chapter in our book. I suggest

    keeping track of websites, because you will have to cite them when you have to turn in

    your plan/project. Below I posted more info about Visio, good luck on your project.

    Visio 2007 includes everything you need to create a variety of professional-looking network

    and rack diagrams. Visio Standard 2007 includes the basic shapes you can use to create

    simple network topology diagrams, while Visio Professional 2007 includes many more shapes

    that can represent every aspect of a network, including the equipment in network rack diagrams.

    Here is a good source that I love to use for citing sources: KnightCite Citation Service
    Good Luck on your paper/project!
    When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

    --Alexander Graham Bell,
    American inventor
  • Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    neo468 wrote: »
    +1 on setting up a separate VLAN for the two computer groups.

    JD made a great summary of key areas to analyze for the design and implementation.

    no no no, I'd use Private Vlan's and put the publicly accessible computers on isolated ports.

    ie, they can't talk to ANYONE unless it's through the default gateway. Last thing you need is for some snarky customer trying to hack all the boxes on the local segment
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    And another consideration is the type of operations software needed to control the access to and the billing of the services provided by the shop. Should it be fully automated with credit card swipes at the stations or should a human attendant be required? This type of software should also handle wireless client access (pay-to-play hotspot) if the shop expands its services in that direction.
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