Missing drive in My Computer
1st time with this one so pliz excuse the lack of knowledge, very strange indeed
Re=installed my win 7 to a 300 gig sata, install went fine
I have 2 X 1TB drives attached but only 1 is showing in My Computer, I can go to manage and see the drive in there, but when I right click on it the option Open and Explore are greyed out
Pliz help
1st time with this one so pliz excuse the lack of knowledge, very strange indeed
Re=installed my win 7 to a 300 gig sata, install went fine
I have 2 X 1TB drives attached but only 1 is showing in My Computer, I can go to manage and see the drive in there, but when I right click on it the option Open and Explore are greyed out
Pliz help
kalebksp Member Posts: 1,033 ■■■■■□□□□□Does it have a drive letter assigned in Disk Management? If not, right click the drive and chose Change Driver Letter and Paths, then assign a letter to it.
Lee H Member Posts: 1,135BINGO!!!!!!!!!
kalebksp gets the coconut, thats the first time a hard drive hasnt given itself a drive letter automatically, is this a fault?
Thanks man, was scratchin my head with this one, 2 second fix awesome!!!. -
kalebksp Member Posts: 1,033 ■■■■■□□□□□No problem. I've had that happen a few times before. I'm not sure what causes it, but it's a pretty easy fix.