What's up with the time stamps for this site?

SrSysAdminSrSysAdmin Member Posts: 259
I really like this website but I'm not sure whats up with the time stamps.

I just made a post and it shows that it was made at 8:59am. It is currently 10:17am (post was made at 10:15am)...my timezone is set correctly (-5:00 EST) and the Daylight Savings Time is set to automatic.

Even if I set the DST manually it would still be off by about 15 minutes.

Does anybody else have this issue or is it unique to my computer?
Current Certifications:

* B.S. in Business Management
* Sec+ 2008

Currently Studying for:
* 70-293 Maintaining a Server 2003 Network

Future Plans:

* 70-294 Planning a Server 2003 AD
* 70-297 Designing a Server 2003 AD
* 70-647 Server 2008
* 70-649 MCSE to MCITP:EA


  • TheShadowTheShadow Member Posts: 1,057 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Just be careful that you do not get stuck in minute 11:37 as there are trivia buffs here.

    Time, a handy fiction to explain why everything doesn't happen all at once.
    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of technology?... The Shadow DO
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