HOSTS file access

dimothy10dimothy10 Member Posts: 17 ■□□□□□□□□□
Dear All,

Have stumbled across something while writing up some training documentation for a new remote access solution we are about to deploy. I have a feeling this may be a bit of a security hole but may be over reacting.

Essentially the software when installed on XP states that it needs access to the HOSTs file. If click accept it proceeds to then grant the EVERYONE group Full Control for the HOSTS file. upon reboot I have run an effective permissions against the Guest account for the file and it now has full control over this file.

If this were our work PCs and subject to Domain Group Policy I would not be so worried. As we are asking our user base to install this on their home PCs I am actually a touch concerned as I feel we could be exposing, a yes probably already vulnerable group of computers, to potentially malicious activity.

Am I jumping the gun on this or are my concerns valid? I look forward to everyones thoughts.


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