PowerShell Certification - Why none?

in Off-Topic
So I have been doing some searching on the web trying to find out if MS has a PoSh certification in the works and all indications seem to state that there won't be one. I'd like to see either an MCTS or an MCITP for PoSh as it is becoming a major method for administering Windows systems. What do you guys think? What do you think the reasoning behind not having at least an MCTS is? What do you think the reasoning behind having a cert would be?
Hyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
There was never a cert for VBscript.
I read a blog post somewhere once discussing this topic. Basically, MSlearning feels like they test on PoSh in within the context of the existing exams.
For instance, the Exchange 2007 MCTS obviously asks questions about using PoSh commands for EMS. In a roundabout way taking a test on any of the newer server/management products will inevitably test you, to some degree, on PoSh.
A cert for it would kind of be redundant. -
RobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
There was never a cert for VBscript.
I read a blog post somewhere once discussing this topic. Basically, MSlearning feels like they test on PoSh in within the context of the existing exams.
For instance, the Exchange 2007 MCTS obviously asks questions about using PoSh commands for EMS. In a roundabout way taking a test on any of the newer server/management products will inevitably test you, to some degree, on PoSh.
A cert for it would kind of be redundant.
I understand that might be their perspective, but I don't feel it is true. While the Exchange 2010/2007 exams might have some PoSh on them not a single one of the Server 2008 exams did. I also think that PoSh is being pushed by MS far more than VB Script ever was. I have yet to see anything about PoSh on any of the SQL Server 2008 prctice exams and nor is it mentioned in any of the study guides.
I dispute the point that it is tested at all in any of the non-Exchange cert tracks. When the answer is "Write a PowerShell script to accomplish the task," you have to agree with me that the technology is not tested. And I think this is an issue with many of the MS certs. Sometimes just a knowledge of what things are and what they do is adequate to pass the exam, but a true demonstration of how the technology is actually used is avoided.
I think that was the case in some of the questions I got on the EDA7 exam, though I would say it was not on the Hyper-V beta exam (which I failed because I expected it to NOT have specific, detailed questions).
I think it's a bit of a falacy to state that PoSh does not need one because VB Script never had one. With 2008 R2/7 you cannot avoid PoSh. It is there and is, imo, already far more used and far more important than VB Script. -
RobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
A cert for it would kind of be redundant.
Damn you, Hyper-Me!The more I think of this the more I begin to agree with you.
While I still dispute the fact that it is tested via the other cert tracks, I am starting to see the logic and the logic is it does not directly support business needs. While it is a complex tool that can do many things, it is also a feature of many of the flagship tools like SQL Server 2008, Exchange, Server 2008, etc. So I can see the argument from that perspective. How could you test something that used somany aspects of so many technologies? Would you expect certified individuals to know all of the technologies? And I think perhaps this is what you mean by redundant? -
Hyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
I definitely see your standpoint and agree with basically all of it.
I think you will see a lot more posh on exams as new exams come out for newer stuff because EVERYthing is being built on powershell now.
I dont think you could take an exam on SCVMM 2008/R2, SCDPM 2008/2010, etc and not run into powershell questions.
I will admit, I did have one question on one of the MCITP EA path exams that had to do with powershell.
I havnt taken the Exchange 07 exam (plan to soon) but im betting its tested on there to some degree. Is it tested enough? Doubtful...but then again there are lots of topics that MS glazes over that I simply dont agree with.