Simple Question about Formating in MS Word

SrSysAdminSrSysAdmin Member Posts: 259
I am working on making a new style of resume and am having difficulty one part.

I want to do something that appears like this:

Horizontal Text.jpg
You can barely see that ^^^ without clicking the link to the picture so to make it easier, I basically want it to look like this for a section header:
Professional Experience

But clearly I don't want the separation between the dashes.

However, I can't see to figure out how to place text within a horizontal rule like that.

I'm sure I'm overcomplicating this, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Can somebody lend me a hand?

Current Certifications:

* B.S. in Business Management
* Sec+ 2008

Currently Studying for:
* 70-293 Maintaining a Server 2003 Network

Future Plans:

* 70-294 Planning a Server 2003 AD
* 70-297 Designing a Server 2003 AD
* 70-647 Server 2008
* 70-649 MCSE to MCITP:EA


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