MS Office 2003 - Custom Installation Wizard

LukeQuakeLukeQuake Member Posts: 579 ■■■□□□□□□□
We have a .CNW file which has various custom settings for our Office 2003 installations. One of the biggest one is setting the Exchange Server name and Default Mailbox name to %username%. This means that we never have to worry about configuring Outlook for our users.

The section within the file I'm referring to is as follows:-

; Section 4 - Default values for each service.
AccountName=Microsoft Exchange Server

Does anyone know where in the registry these setting are held? Are they stored in the registry in hex? I've searched through and can't seem to track these down.

The resaon I need to know this is for AppSense Environment Manager profile management. We need to redirect these setting to the users' profile on a file server.




  • LukeQuakeLukeQuake Member Posts: 579 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Typo above.

    We are using the Custom Maintenance Wizard to create a .CNW.
  • GrayhenTorGrayhenTor Member Posts: 43 ■■□□□□□□□□

    I don't know how successful it would be to try and inject values into these ; the layout of them is fairly cryptic... you'd also have to know the name of the profile on each PC, if that varies at all.

    You could instead remove the First-Run key and use the ImportPRF key as described here:
    Customize Outlook profiles by using an Outlook Profile (PRF) file
    to import a PRF that you create with CIW ( or manually edit)

    or , snapshot the registry on a PC before and after running maintwiz with your CMW file .. see what it changes.

    Exchange 2007/2010 and Outlook 2007 now has the Autodiscover service to avoid the need for this sort of thing..
  • LukeQuakeLukeQuake Member Posts: 579 ■■■□□□□□□□

    Thanks for this - very much appreciated.

    We are still using Outlook 2003, but I'm probably going to take the jump and migrate our users to Outlook 2007, if anything to solve this problem.

    Thanks again.

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