diff nic cards, and virtual machines

jjbrogjjbrog Member Posts: 149
Ok I have three computers and a network diagram in my studies I'd like to mimic, it calls for 2 computers and 3 servers(a computer and a server on two, and just a server on one, so 3 networks) But like most of us, I don't have 5 computers, I do have three though. And a few extra nic cards laying around

I want to know how to go about say, running windows server on both computers to be the server, and each running virtual box, but I want the server to forward traffic from one nic, and the virtual os from another nic all together? I imagine that would be possible?

The diagram is from a cisco security course, and would like to get it as close as possible. I am good on the routing and switch end of things cause i got a couple 2600xms, some 2600s and 2500s and a couple 2950s
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  • Hyper-MeHyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
    You can assign an entire NIC to a virtual machine.

    Infact, if you actually run virtualization in a prodution in environment its adviseable to have seperate NICs for the host and the guests.
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