Loop back policy

AndreLAndreL Member Posts: 55 ■■□□□□□□□□
Could some one explain this a little more something thats easy to understand.
Cause their is Replace and Merge,

Here my grasp on it Replce means the the policy in general IE: user and computer policy override the current user longin on.

Merge: User seting in the computer group policy "combined" with the current user loging on.

How do you combine policy.

Oh wait I've got an idea make a explaination similar. Such as if this was this and that were somthing elese.


  • Hyper-MeHyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
    Let me give you an example in order to explain it.

    Lets say you have an AD domain, all of your user accounts are in the Employees OU, your computers are in OUs based on their location, we will say Floor1 and Floor2.

    You've assigned a user GPO to the Employees OU that has defines a set of Favorites for Internet Explorer that the boss wanted everyone to have.

    However, on Floor2, they do addiitional tasks that require access to other websites, and to ease the access you want to add more favorites for those users. You do NOT want the users on Floor1 to have these favorites, though.

    One way of going about this, using LoopBack policy, is to create a computer GPO in the Floor2 OU with Loopback Processing enabled, and set to MERGE. Then, define the new favorites in the User section of that same GPO. The users that log into the Floor2 computers will now have the original Favorites (from the Employees OU) along with the Favorites from the GPO in the Floor2 GPO. Anyone logging into the Floor1 computers would only get the original Favorites.

    Alternatively, had you set REPLACE on the Loopback Processing GPO, the original Favorites from the Employees OU would have been overridden by the Favorites in the Floor2 GPO.
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