Bootable installation USB key

Dracula28Dracula28 Member Posts: 232
According to the training kit, the USB key must be formatted with FAT32. but according to sevenforums it can be formatted with NTFS.

Also, is really all you have to do, is to create an active partition on a 4GB+ UFD and copy all the files from the DVD to the UFD? Because I tried that, and it would not work on a laptop that has the capability to boot from UFD.

Select UFD
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 quick

copied all files from the dvd to the UFD. Just like its written in the training kit. I'll try this in a lab later (have to concentrate on the more important parts at the moment) but does anyone have experience creating bootable win 7 installation UFD?
Current certs: MCP (210) MCSA (270, 290, 291 and 680) MCTS (680, 640)


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