2003 Server Error 1053

BokehBokeh Member Posts: 1,636 ■■■■■■■□□□
Recovering from a HD crash on Wed, and Raid just finishing rebuilding and recovering data. However, a lot of the services will not start, and when you try to start them manually, you get the following error:

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

I went M$, and found a hotfix. Attempted to run it, and it says the service pack is newer than the file, and will not run.

Server 2003, SP2, Raid 5. All known patches were installed prior to the drive dying (weeks before).

Any idea on getting the services restarted? Reboot does not help. Shutting completely down and waiting a few minutes to bring it back up does not start them. These are ones that are set to automatic for internet access, logmein, etc.
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