Passed 621 today

Finally bothered to do the upgrade exam for my MCDST (about 6months after buying the dam books!)
found the exam fairly easy going, materials used
microsoft 70-620 text book
darril gibson all in one (after being recommended on this site!)
cbt 620 videos
good luck to anyone taking this exam
291 next for mcsa (or maybe i'll sneak in the win7 exam)
GLeung Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
Congrats on the pass, is there anything you can share from the experience of the exam to another fella who's gonna tackle this soon? -
Jonny70 Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□
Careful Microsoft has strick NDAs about what one is allowed to share from an exam.
Here is a link to the non-disclosure agreement: Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certification Exam Policies