please help me compare some certifications.

im a student, im thinking about taking some microsoft certifications please let me know which of these certs you think will better help my career in the IT world::D
do you think i should go for all 4 or more, for 3, for 2 or for 1.
any suggestions will be greatly appreciate.
thank you!
do you think i should go for all 4 or more, for 3, for 2 or for 1.
any suggestions will be greatly appreciate.

thank you!
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[ ✔ ] ICND1 [ ✔ ] ICND2 [ ✔ ] Network+ [ ✔] SSCP [ ✔ ] Security+
[ ✔ ] ICND1 [ ✔ ] ICND2 [ ✔ ] Network+ [ ✔] SSCP [ ✔ ] Security+
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Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
If you are just starting out with the MS certs, I'd recommend the MCITP : EA and not the MCSE. This is only because the MCSE is 7 exams and it could be awhile before you do all 7 by which time the MCITP would be the cert to have.
You might know this already but, MCSA + 3 more exams = MCSE. You do any one of the new exams, that is 7/Vista/2008, and you become an MCTS. There are a few MCITP's, check out the cert page on Microsoft's website to see which one fits your career goals. -
mikedisd2 Member Posts: 1,096 ■■■■■□□□□□
Yeah, if you're just starting out go for the MCITP:EA as suggested. 5 exams I think. That should keep you busy for a while.
This is for a system admin role though. Check the description to ensure it's your area of interest. If you're into .net, Sharepoint, CRM etc development then you'll need to look at some other more appropriate MCTS exams.