70-643 - Passed!

Well just got back from the test centre. Passed 643. Scored an 861. Not overly high, but a pass.
On to my first client exam now. 70-680
On to my first client exam now. 70-680
EA Path - 70-643 - Passed - 70-680 - Passed - 70-647 - To Complete
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
I reckon that's a good score on this exam. Congrats mate!
What all did you use for preparation? -
GagHalfrunt Member Posts: 81 ■■□□□□□□□□
Personally I think that anything past 800 is decent so congrats. I'm always happy if I get at least that. I think that I scored the lowest on the 70-643 in the Enterprise Admin track.
The only one I did by the skin of my teeth was the 70-431 (SQL2005) but I think I'm better at taking tests now.
Ultimately a PASS is a PASS! -
BradH Member Posts: 160
I used to the MS Press book - the measure up exams and my skillport account to pass this exam.
Plus! I must have down hours and hours of VM work.EA Path - 70-643 - Passed - 70-680 - Passed - 70-647 - To Complete -
-Foxer- Member Posts: 151
Well, instead of starting a new thread, I thought I'd just post here.
I passed my 70-643 exam today! I felt pretty good going in, but then during the test there were several questions that I didn't even remember learning about. I ended up getting 769. Not nearly as good as I was hoping going in, but I guess it's still a pass. I think I'll go over some of my weak areas though, just to solidify everything in my mind. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Congrats on the new certs, both of you.
Foxer, you knocked those three tests out pretty quick,good job man.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.