Looking for an Excel guru...Please Help!!!

GWadejr34GWadejr34 Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
Ok, I have a process that I'm trying to find a simple solution for...I know what the solution is but I'm not sure how to set it up in Excel...so here's the scenario:

Tools: (1) bar code scanner; (1) form 50 line maximum, (1) document to be signed by the end user.

Example: I scan "x" amount of parcels daily; there are "x" amount of customers that these parcels need to be assigned to and I have a limit of 50 lines per document, so if a customer has 150 parcels I will need at least (3) pages for their parcels to be written on.

The problem is that I only have (1) scanner, the current procedure is to scan the items one customer at a time to each document; this is a very slow and inefficiecnt way of getting this done.

I would like to be able to name each customer in the scanner before we start scanning for each person, I have already set up the scanner for this. I will link the excel sheets in a book; the first page will be the sheet that all of the scans are downloaded to; but I need to write it so each customer has their own column, Ex. if customer A.Smith then D1; if customer J.Smith then E1, etc. I will also separate different kinds of parcels within each column, this is something I can do once I know the basis formula.

Once the scans have been downloaded to this sheet; they will automatically populate the linked sheets corresponding to each customer, however I'm limited to 50 lines and need to add; if more than 50 then copy to page 2 and so on...

I hope I'm making sense because I'm so lost right now it isn't funny. Can anyone show me the basic language so I can get started with being able to scan everything in the beginning then loading it to the spreadsheet where it can separate the information based on who it's assigned to. Once I have a grasp on what way to write it, I should be able to separate the different types of parcels.

This isn't a class assignment by the way, I'm trying to help my employees with a more efficient way to do this, but advanced excel is not my strong point at all.

Thank you in advacne for your time and help...


  • wedge1988wedge1988 Member Posts: 434 ■■■□□□□□□□
    your best bet is to ask here:

    Excel Help & Excel Macro Help

    They have been great with me in the past :)
    ~ wedge1988 ~ IdioT Certified~
    MCSE:2003 ~ MCITP:EA ~ CCNP:R&S ~ CCNA:R&S ~ CCNA:Voice ~ Office 2000 MASTER ~ A+ ~ N+ ~ C&G:IT Diploma ~ Ofqual Entry Japanese
  • GWadejr34GWadejr34 Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thank you Wedge,

    This is a great site that has some great information. I've already seen a few different formulas that have given me a few more ideas.

    The info is much appreciated.
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