
70-646; Passed

St3yrSt3yr Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey chaps,

Recently went for my 70-649 and passed with 88% average on the three sections. Next on my list was the 646; so I did a quick Transcender test on it to set my benchmark. Well I got 70% first go on the practice exam; a lot of the objectives carry over into the 646.

So feeling cocky I booked my 646 for the following day. Understandbly I don't think my boss thought I would pass; and I wasn't real sure myself. But with a second shot it wasn't going to be the end of the world if I failed :).

Well I passed with 725 :). I can honestly say I knew confidently 1/3 of the exam; made confident guesses at the next 1/3 and had no idea about the last 1/3.

The 646 questions are a lot harder than the 649. I felt in the 649 it was a case of identifying the new features of 2008 server; but in the 646 you had to understand when best to use them; and when to use existing server features.

Anyway thought I'd share

Next up; 70-680 :). Might try to "wing" that one too :)

FYI - I use CBT nuggets and Transcenders to study; has done me well since my Exchange 2k7 exam two years ago...
WIP: VCP vSphere 4.0


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