
Usefulness of Master's in infosec?

rapyokerapyoke Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□

I'm planning my path after I graduate with a B.S. in IT from George Mason, I just wanted to ask you guys what you thought about the program and its usefulness in information security (i.e., would it be better to start working and get real life work experience or stay in school and get my master's). My goal is to get my CISSP and then hopefully become a CISO/CIO when I get older and more experienced.

Here is the program overview:

Masters in Information Security and Assurance

here are the course overviews:

ISA Degree Requirements

Bottom line, stay in school and get the master's or go out and start getting job experience in the field?
[X]70-270 - Configuring Windows XP Professional
[X]70-680 - Configuring Windows 7
[X]640-802 - CCNA


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