MCITP only good till 2013?

So, according to Microsoft's new policy, the MCITP certs expire when mainstream support for Server 2008 ends in July 2013. Is this really correct? That seems really soon considering that so many companies still haven't fully adopted Server 2008 yet.
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
MS probably anticipates another Server version by then. I'm hoping they extend it as it seems a lot of work for something which I'll only have for 2-1/2 years.
I wonder what they'll call the next server they come out with?No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
The exams dont expire, they only retire. Meaning that you cant take them anymore after certain date.
Look here at the last question >> Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
The exams dont expire, they only retire. Meaning that you cant take them anymore after certain date.
Look here at the last question >> Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP)
+1 I have never heard of a Microsoft certification expiring. If so than the MCSE should have expired a long time ago -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Well the MCSE doesn't have a retirement date either...kind of weird
I guess M$ will just keep pumping out MCSE's even after they retire the MCITPNo longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
smg1138 Member Posts: 94 ■■□□□□□□□□
Check out the FAQ section at MS. It states that the MCITP will be "retired" when mainstream support of the product ends. Since mainstream support for Server 2008 will end in July 2013, the cert would be changed to "inactive" on your transcript. I just think that's a pretty short sighted policy. There will be tons of places still running Server 2008 past July 2013.
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
Check out the FAQ section at MS. It states that the MCITP will be "retired" when mainstream support of the product ends. Since mainstream support for Server 2008 will end in July 2013, the cert would be changed to "inactive" on your transcript. I just think that's a pretty short sighted policy. There will be tons of places still running Server 2008 past July 2013.
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP)
I have very little doubt that it will be extended until 2020. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
They just basically extended XP until 2020 so I would hope so. longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
What I am most interested in is whether or not they keep the naming convention, i.e. MCITP:EA, etc. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
That way we can do like the people that got MCSE's on NT and just put MCSE on their resume...j/k
I'll at least upgrade even if they keep the same name.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
I'll at least upgrade even if they keep the same name.
Which is much less painful after you already have the MCITP:EA. -
SephStorm Member Posts: 1,731 ■■■■■■■□□□
Hopefully they are running out of possible naming conventions... -
dynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
You guys clearly haven't been paying attention to the SQL and Exchange MCITPs -
Devilsbane Member Posts: 4,214 ■■■■■■■■□□
MCITP will be "retired" when mainstream support of the product ends. Since mainstream support for Server 2008 will end in July 2013, the cert would be changed to "inactive" on your transcript.
So what is the difference between an inactive certification and an expired one? I'm not a fan of the idea that I'll lose my certifications. I have no problem with upgrading to the new thing but once I achieve something I like to know that this is mine forever, I earned it.
I think they should use a date with the certification. MCSA 2010, referring to the fact that I either got it, or last updated it in 2010. So in 2020, an employer is going to understand that my skills are out of date, but I still have it.Decide what to be and go be it. -
Hyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
They do, (like MCITP EMA 2010), they just didnt with the first iterations.
You can always tell employers that you were/are MCITP EA certified, you earned that and its yours. Obviously the title becomes invalid once 2008 ceases to exist. I don't see many people flaunting MCSE 2000's or NT's, and the ones that do are ones that never updated beyond that point and are irrelevant in todays world. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
It seems strange that with the MCITP:EA retiring in 2013 the MOAC (MS Official Academic Course) for the 70-647 isn't available yet.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
Mojo_666 Member Posts: 438
Yeah it will probably be something like MCITP: EA 2012
I am thinking the same, the MCITP Enterprise Messaging etc etc was for Ex2007 but without mentioning so, the new one is MCITP Enterprise Messaging Ex2010 or somesuch iirc so thats a clue as to how they will name them. -
Hyper-Me Banned Posts: 2,059
Just remember it IS MS learning that makes these choices and they routinely screw stuff up, so dont be surprised it it ends up like MS Certified Resource Associate Professional or MS CRAP -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Just remember it IS MS learning that makes these choices and they routinely screw stuff up, so dont be surprised it it ends up like MS Certified Resource Associate Professional or MS CRAPNo longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
petedude Member Posts: 1,510
I do remember reading that MS originally tried to put a three-year retirement on the MCITP/MCTS exams, much like what Cisco does with its certs. I've also read that M$'s lame attempt to extract more money from test takers in said fashion failed spectacularly; the negative feedback prompted them to change the policy to retirement at product end-of-life (similar to Novell's approach to its certs).Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
--Will Rogers