801 VS. 821 and 811
Member Posts: 323
Im confused about the choices ....is taking one test easier, instead of both. Can someone please help me out, thanks in advanced.
viper75 Member Posts: 726 ■■■■□□□□□□I think taking 2 test instead of 1 will be a little harder because I think they go into greater detail when the test is broken up into 2 parts. Either way the test is hard, but IMO the 2 test track might be a bit harder. :CCNP Security - DONE!
CCNP R&S - In Progress...
CCIE Security - Future... -
hhisgett Member Posts: 181I am trying to decide myself which direction to go. I have a firm feeling what viper is saying is true, but I look at it another way. If you pass both, you can be pretty sure that you know the material.
c_g Member Posts: 38 ■■□□□□□□□□I have already passed INTRO, it was pretty easy if you can subnet and know the basics. I have take ICDN once and failed. I am sure wyou will find ppeople here that will argue the point, but I think the single test track would be easier. You are only studying once and only PAYING once. There is quite a bit of over-lap from the INTRO test to the ICND test. I would do the sinlgle test track if I hadn't already passed INTRO.Thanks for the help, -cg
keenon Member Posts: 1,922 ■■■■□□□□□□i'm in the same debate.. 2 or 1 .. i was thinking 1 but after looking at it i thought 2 .. but now ..i'm in the middle.. i don't know either way this month is my cut off so make a choice and deal with it..Become the stainless steel sharp knife in a drawer full of rusty spoons
cdad2000 Member Posts: 323Thanks for all the advice everyone. TAking two will be more expensive, yet their smaller exams.Good luck everyone.