Studying for the 70-647

Anyone else find studying for this one boring? I picked up the MS Press book and like many other MS books, it was a very boring read. So I turned to the Syngress book, but that hasnt turned out to be much better either, slow and very dry. I have the Nuggets at my disposal and that's the only "studyable" resource so far.
This will be my first design exam, so looks it will be more of a "why" exam than a "how" exam. Anyone have any recommended strategy of tackling this bad boy.
This will be my first design exam, so looks it will be more of a "why" exam than a "how" exam. Anyone have any recommended strategy of tackling this bad boy.
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I picked up the Darril Gibson book and it seems to be a better read so far. The price tag is high since it's a testbook designed for college students. It has a lot of review questions but the answers aren't included in the book. The exercises it has are kind of simple so you can skip most of those in the early phases of studying. MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administration (Exam # 70-647) (9781423902393):…
Some people have used just CBT's (they had a lot of experience) for this test.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
texasit Member Posts: 147
I used the mspress book and the cbtnuggets for this test.this test is requires you to know everything from the 640,642 and 643 to pass.Its definitely a design exam. -
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
Thanks for the suggestion folks, guess I'll have to stick to my own strategy, watch the Nuggets, read Technet, lab it up and keep the design aspect in mind during the labs. Might also go through the Syngress book as I move along.