Final Prep 70-646 Exam - Advice needed

I've tried the 646 twice on the 1st June and 24th June and failed with a 550 both times 
The second shot offer expiration date led me to doing the exam resit a bit too soon.
(maybe others have been in the same situation)
Looking at my test results I made an improvement in most areas apart from the last Section: "Busines Continuity / High Availabliity." This was a disaster and dropped from 100% to 37% on the results printout.
As from previous advice I've concentrated on my weaker topics over the last few weeks.
In addition to this I've read the Darril Gibson 70-646 Study Guide a couple of times and gone over the weaker areas in particular. (an easier read than the MS press and some good - end-of-chapter questions.
I've also gone over all my Transcender tests and re-done the tests going over all the ones I've failed. Also gone through CBT Nuggets again. Had more "hands-on" at work as we are now using Server 2008 more widely.
I have also listed where I thought I went wrong on my previous two attempts and brushed up on the areas.
I am fully aware that this MCITP exam is a different animal from the MCTS series of exams and needs a different approach.
For those who have already done this exam, with my next exam scheduled for the 7th august (13 days off) any last minute tips for the final descent
Any thoughts welcomed...........

The second shot offer expiration date led me to doing the exam resit a bit too soon.
(maybe others have been in the same situation)
Looking at my test results I made an improvement in most areas apart from the last Section: "Busines Continuity / High Availabliity." This was a disaster and dropped from 100% to 37% on the results printout.
As from previous advice I've concentrated on my weaker topics over the last few weeks.
In addition to this I've read the Darril Gibson 70-646 Study Guide a couple of times and gone over the weaker areas in particular. (an easier read than the MS press and some good - end-of-chapter questions.
I've also gone over all my Transcender tests and re-done the tests going over all the ones I've failed. Also gone through CBT Nuggets again. Had more "hands-on" at work as we are now using Server 2008 more widely.
I have also listed where I thought I went wrong on my previous two attempts and brushed up on the areas.
I am fully aware that this MCITP exam is a different animal from the MCTS series of exams and needs a different approach.
For those who have already done this exam, with my next exam scheduled for the 7th august (13 days off) any last minute tips for the final descent

Any thoughts welcomed...........
aaronchristenson Member Posts: 261 ■■■■□□□□□□
I read the MS Press 646 book and I thought that with the examples was enough to get me through the exam. It sounds like you should be ready for the exam and maybe just got a little pressed for time between retakes. The next one should go better.Aaron
MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSA Windows Server 2012, MCSA SQL Server 2012/2014, MCSA Windows 10, MCITP Server Admin, Security+, Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center Specialist -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
It sounds like you made andf followed a good plan for this retake of the exam. I'm confident you'll knock it out of the park this time. Good Luck!No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
texasit Member Posts: 147
Good luck this exam was the toughest exam I took on my MCITP SA EA track.If you have reviewed all your weak areas you should do fine.