PLease i am series

nb2005nb2005 Member Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi all Pleas Help me
Tow Time and Filed firest 841 ad second time 847 what do i do
please i need professional one come to freind to me and help me
please i an series ok ..........
my mail
and third time in next week quick help me icon_mad.gif


  • XCommandXCommand Member Posts: 63 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Why are you such in a hurry? If you'd have failed 2 times, then calm down for a while, make a good strategie,study harder with different books and enter when you feel like, but from your words ,I see that you are stressed.Stress and nervousness are the bad things for the exams.
    I hope this time you'll pass
    Good luck in your exam,Keep in touch and let us know if you pass or fail.
  • XCommandXCommand Member Posts: 63 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Oops I did read your sentences again, Did I missunderstand? Did you fail 2 times?

    " Tow Time and Filed firest 841 ad ... " is not clear for me, I am sorry if I missunderstood.
  • Orion82698Orion82698 Member Posts: 483
    It sounds to me that you don't know the material as well as you need to. Go through your books again and take some more practice tests. Take your time
    WIP Vacation ;-)

    Porsche..... there is no substitute!
  • D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm guessing english is not your native tounge... icon_lol.gif
  • Orion82698Orion82698 Member Posts: 483
    Man...... I knew someone was going to say something along those lines.


    nb2005: Seriously, you need to study more. By the sounds of things, you need to get this cert for a job? If you cannot pass the exam, you do not know the material. You do not want to get on the job and find that you don't know what you are doing. This site has a vast amount of knowledge as well as links to other webpages.

    Good luck

    WIP Vacation ;-)

    Porsche..... there is no substitute!
  • JerzJerz Member Posts: 86 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hi Series I am Jerz... Seems like what everyone else said except I always like to add a nice cold brew (preferably an English Ale or Guiness) in the mix (or two or three or....) take a couple of steps back, evaluate the stituation and run to the nearest computer store to get another book to read. In the past when I failed an exam the first stop on the way home from the testing center was the bookstore and the second stop was the pub to relax and review my new purchase. icon_wink.gif
  • Orion82698Orion82698 Member Posts: 483
    Amen to that!
    WIP Vacation ;-)

    Porsche..... there is no substitute!
  • NPA24NPA24 Member Posts: 588 ■■□□□□□□□□
    People are right, you do need to take it down a notch. You seem like you are rushing into it. Your scores are pretty close to passing but if this is for work don't you want to pass by more than a couple of points. Just keep studying and keep doing practice sims. Good luck on your third attempt!
  • XCommandXCommand Member Posts: 63 ■■□□□□□□□□
    @ Jerz : I agree with you , "pub" idea sounds good. These places are always near you in good and bad days , after a fail or after a pass ,it is there we have to stop by icon_wink.gif
  • NocturnalNocturnal Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Unless you're a biological fluke, you're going to have to STUDY and PRACTICE. This isn't a thirty-word vocabulary quiz you're studying for; it's an exam that tests your understanding of basic router and switch operation, and in order to understand that, you need to understand how routing and switching works and what it's used for.

    There's a lot of stuff to know and you can't just stay up for three days straight reading a couple of books and expect to pass the test...although it is possible. The unfortunate result of this would be a CCNA who can't do squat in the real world.

    There is an experimental device I've seen called REM Sleep Mind-melder (RSMM). It has an 802.11 interface, so you'll need to have a wireless LAN card in your PC if you want to try it, preferably 54MB. It only works with PDF files from a mass storage device, but they're working on a newer version that connects to the internet and converts HTML to RSMM format. icon_lol.gif
    "...a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right,..."
    --Tom Paine
  • wildfirewildfire Member Posts: 654
    Tow Time and Filed firest 841 ad second time 847 what do i do

    you are not far of twice, with the pass mark being 849 you were less than 1% off twice, so a bit more study and you will get it.
    Looking for CCIE lab study partnerts, in the UK or Online.
  • fonduefondue Member Posts: 104
    What is the breakdown on your examination score report? There is a useful breakdown of area of knowledge, Planning and Design, Impletmentation and Operations, Troubleshooting and Technology. If you're noticably weak in a particular area study it with a vengence.
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