Multiple Switch VLAN..

LynxLynx Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Just wondering something..

i've been reading through the sybex ccna study guide.. and am currently up to VLAN's..

if you setup a vtp server + 1 client and have 3 vlan's

Vlan1 - admin - rest of them..
Vlan2 - sales - e0/2
Vlan3 - marketing - e0/3

e0/1 used as trunk line to other switch..

now when I create these and update the server, which updates the client switch.. ports e0/2 and e0/3 are now setup as sales and marketing.. is that the case..

whatever ports i assign on VTP server will also be assigned on VTP client?? or are you able to assign different ports to different vlan's on each switch..

cheers for the help..

Lynx - first post 2.. good site, lots of info - cheers..

edit: to enable different ports to belong to different vlan's would it just be better to use dynamic ones rather than static..


  • NocturnalNocturnal Member Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hopefully, someone will correct me if I'm wrong. To the best of my knowledge:

    VTP is a global configuration command; you configure one switch in a VTP domain to be the server and it propogates VLAN info throughout the domain to the switches configured as clients. Before it does this, though, you have to configure trunks; those are what the VLAN information travels through, as well as the inter-switch traffic.

    You still need to assign switchports to VLANs, but having defined the VLANs on the Server switch and having properly configured and then enabling trunking between the switches, the global VLAN configurations will propogate.
    "...a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right,..."
    --Tom Paine
  • nanoagenanoage Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    You are right. you have to set which interfaces use which vlan and all trunk ports but all the vlans set by the server will show up in the clients
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