Passed 70-648 exam today!

I know- not many go this route; most either commit to going the full MCSE, then take upgrade 70-649 or they just go MCTS server 2008 from the start.
It was my original plan to go MCSE, then upgrade- but after failing the 70-293 and 70-294 twice each, I decided to change course :-/
It was my original plan to go MCSE, then upgrade- but after failing the 70-293 and 70-294 twice each, I decided to change course :-/
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Congrats on no matter what course you took.
So are you gonna get the MCITP:SA or EA or both?No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
rob7278 Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
Going for the MCITP:SA next, then going for the MCITP:EA
I was able to get 2 vouchers from the Elevate America program Microsoft was running, so I chose the collection for exam 70-646 for one of my vouchers and the collection for exam 70-647 for my second voucher.
I really wish I could do all my studying for exams with the Microsoft E-Learning, but just these 2 collections would have cost me $415.99 for the study material for 70-647 and $319.99 for 70-646 or $736 total- which there is no way I could afford right now.
Thank you Microsoft!! So far this e-learning seems really awesome, but at those prices I guess it should be.