Starting pursuit of my MCITP (advice requested)

I'm in a NOC position, which has nothing to do with MCITP, although I have some desktop experience, I would like to add the MCITP to my resume.
My question is, what would be the best cert to start with to make myself the most attractive to employers.
Should I start with 70-640, 42, or 70-680?
Perhaps none of the above, and there's another one I should start with.
My question is, what would be the best cert to start with to make myself the most attractive to employers.
Should I start with 70-640, 42, or 70-680?
Perhaps none of the above, and there's another one I should start with.
Jander1023 Member Posts: 160
My 2 cents....
I would start with the Window 7 client 70-680. It is the easiest and I like to start with the easier certification first. However, don't take this test lightly. I failed it the first time and many people have. The 70-620 for Vista was very easy and I didn't realize how hard the 680 test would be compared to the 620.
Once you have completed the 680, I recommend starting with the 70-642. I did not do this but wish I had. I am currently studying the 640 ahead of the 642. However, many people here recommend reading the DNS chapters from the 642, which is almost 25% of the book. Why not just do the 642 first, then move to the 640. Plus, the 640 book is almost 900 pages and covers a lot of material. Having the solid foundation of the 642 already completed will help you a lot.
Also, spend some time reading the threads here about whichever certification you are currently studying. You will find many great posts with great insight, such as the DNS info I previously mentioned. Additionally, I find it reassuring to know that other people are working hard and sometimes struggling with the same things I struggle with. There are many great people posting here and it is quickly becoming a regular place for me to browse.
Hope this helps! Good luck. -
Mojo_666 Member Posts: 438
I agree with Jander, also the 680 is more relevant to what you are currently doing so it makes sense to beef up you current position before going for the next one. -
drew2000 Member Posts: 290
"My question is, what would be the best cert to start with to make myself the most attractive to employers.
Should I start with 70-640, 42, or 70-680?"
Either one. They are both relevant. Obviously the 680 is from the client side and the 640 is from the Active Directory perspective. They are both hard, I did better on the 640 than the 680. The 680 is pretty hard.
You need them BOTH for the MCITP:EA, so it doesn't matter which one you start with. If you don't have much AD experience, I would start with 680 so you get exposure from the client side BEFORE the server side.
Drew -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Do the 680 client before you tackle the server tests. If you already have AD experience then do the 642 before the 640. If you have no AD experience then do the 640 first as you need exposure to the topics in the 640 for the 642.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
joe48184 Member Posts: 83 ■■□□□□□□□□
Glad this post is here.. Same position as the OP. Just finished the CCNA cert and I have some AD exposure, not alot. was gonna go for the 642 but maybe i better do 640 first... -
za3bour Member Posts: 1,062 ■■■■□□□□□□
Yea I agree my route was 680-642-640 and it went well now i'm studying for 70-646 for the SA cert. -
howiehandles Member Posts: 148
Wow, I'm glad there is a consensus here. I really appreciate all your advice. Definitely going to focus on the 680 then 642.
Much appreciated -
howiehandles Member Posts: 148
Let me throw something else out there. Is it worth it to get a Comptia exam, A+, Net+, or Sec+ before this?
My knowledge is good on the first two, and I have an interest in completing the third.
Question being, should I pursue those first, or, if I'm confident, just knock out the MS exams, as they'll carry more weight? -
Jander1023 Member Posts: 160
howiehandles wrote: »Let me throw something else out there. Is it worth it to get a Comptia exam, A+, Net+, or Sec+ before this?
My knowledge is good on the first two, and I have an interest in completing the third.
Question being, should I pursue those first, or, if I'm confident, just knock out the MS exams, as they'll carry more weight?
Personally, I wouldn't waste time on them if you are already working in a NOC. If you have your MCITP-EA, nobody is going to question your basic computer knowledge. And your NOC experience should indicate that you have basic network knowledge.
However, you might want to bust out the Security+ before the end of the year if you plan on doing it. I believe if you get it before year end, then it is good for life. After this year all the Comptia test have to be renewed every 3 years. At least I am pretty sure that's what they have going on with their certs. You may want to double check that. -
Jander1023 Member Posts: 160
Yes, I do have my A+ and Net+. I got them a while back. They are helpful for getting Help Desk jobs and entry level stuff. IMO, having just one Windows Server 2008 certification will be much better. -
za3bour Member Posts: 1,062 ■■■■□□□□□□
MCITP-EA will take time so finish it first then Security+ I think is the way to go.