Trainsignal or Nuggets for Win2k8?

Hello all!
I'm thinking of updating my skills in the Windows department and I'm looking for advice about which CBT to go for. I've used cbtnuggets for citrix and cisco and they were great, but I'm thinking about trying trainsignal for Windows 2008. Any suggestions?
Is there a consensus about which vendor is better for each respective Windows 2008 exam?
I'm thinking of updating my skills in the Windows department and I'm looking for advice about which CBT to go for. I've used cbtnuggets for citrix and cisco and they were great, but I'm thinking about trying trainsignal for Windows 2008. Any suggestions?
Is there a consensus about which vendor is better for each respective Windows 2008 exam?
Phronesis Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
please make no mistake, go for Trainsignal because they will ground you for the real world, their approach is awesome and i believe you will not regret going for it. -
joe48184 Member Posts: 83 ■■□□□□□□□□
Read through the posts on the site. The CBT vs: Trainsignal pro's and con's debate is in a lot of the different forums... The one major agreement is that Trainsignal may not have lived up to their usual quality standard with respect to Server 2008. That's just what I gathered from reading the forums, your milage may vary. -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
I looked at the CBT Nuggets for the MCITP:EA track and they still have Vista instead of Windows 7 for the training (70-620 instead of the 70-680 that I have to take).
The consensus seems to be the Nuggets ftw, but I'm wondering if the 620 has been officially replaced yet by the 680 on the MCITP:EA track.
The jury is still out on whether I will spend $200 a month (most likely not), but I do enjoy having options.... -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I can'yt say about CBT nuggets as I've never used them. The TS for 643 was subpar, even after they remade it. The TS for 70-647 is good though and I've heard from others that the TS vids for 640 and 642 are good.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
Zillatech Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□
Train Signal is good but CBT Nuggets is better. Pound for Pound, they have more detail and cover the material thoroughly. As for them still listing the Vista Exam in their 2008 EA package, I have asked them about this and was told I could replace the Vista Course with the new Windows 7 Course instead (at no additional cost). I really think they need to do that and update the Website accordingly but just ask them for the Windows 7 instead of Vista.
I used to think Train Signal was the best but as of right now, CBT Nuggets has them beat, particularly for the Server 2008 MCITP Track.
If I could only choose one, I would spend my $$$ on Nuggets. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I had the 70-643 TS video and the guy spent so much time talking about the new stuff on Server 2k8 R2. Now since the exams cover R2 I wish I had kept it. Whichever provider adds R2 first you should go with.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
howiehandles Member Posts: 148
I've only used CBTs a bit, but I'm a big fan of Jeremy Cioara and his CCNA CBTs for CBT Nuggets. -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
There are many threads on TE that discuss this topic. This one may help you: