Not sure which path to go towards?

jimmy6067jimmy6067 Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm planning on going for the A +, Server +, and possibly Linux +, before the end of the year. However after I finish those exams I was thinking of either focusing on the certs to obtain MSCE or CCNA status. Currently my background and degree are focused on Network Security and by next year I should have my B.S. I have already taken courses focused on the two Cisco certs that make one a CCNA (also I have the books)... but theirs something about Cisco networking that I find intimidating. I guess I just need some advice on making the decision because I do not want to abandon my love for Security. I hope makes sense to some degree.


  • it_consultantit_consultant Member Posts: 1,903
    The CCNA and CCNA specialization tests are not easy. This is why they have value. MS tests are easier but you need to take more of them for Pro level certs. I say they are easier, but they are by no means something you can just walk in and take without prep.

    Don't be intimidated by these tests, you are more than capable of besting them. Just go in prepared and you'll be fine.
  • tbgree00tbgree00 Member Posts: 553 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Sounds like you will have a full plate for the rest of the year. Is there a reason you're going for Server+ in particular? I have that exam and don't exactly regret it but I wish I had spent the time and money on something a little more in demand.

    I'm not sure of your background and if you're in school full time or working and getting a BS at the same time. If you don't have a lot of hands on time with server 2003 the MCSE will be pretty tough. I think it's the most requested cert I have seen when it comes to job postings, though. For better or worse HR knows what it is.
    I finally started that blog -
  • Paul BozPaul Boz Member Posts: 2,620 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Knock out your current objectives and try to make a determination as to which material you enjoyed studying the most. You may like the idea of getting a bunch of Cisco certs but If you find the Network+ tough to get engaged with it may not be the best idea. What do you want to do in the long run?
    CCNA Security | GSEC |GCFW | GCIH | GCIA
  • jimmy6067jimmy6067 Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    tbgree00 wrote: »
    Sounds like you will have a full plate for the rest of the year. Is there a reason you're going for Server+ in particular? I have that exam and don't exactly regret it but I wish I had spent the time and money on something a little more in demand.

    I'm not sure of your background and if you're in school full time or working and getting a BS at the same time. If you don't have a lot of hands on time with server 2003 the MCSE will be pretty tough. I think it's the most requested cert I have seen when it comes to job postings, though. For better or worse HR knows what it is.

    The reason I'm going for the Server+ is because I'm currently in a college course that is using a Server+ book, so I figured since I'm going to be reading the book why not get certified.In addition the book is only about 400+ pages so I plan to knock it out this week or the latest next week. Yes, I can tell the Server + cert doesn't seem that glamorous but I also figured that it is just another way to get through the door for a job.

    I have a rack server at my home right now that has server 2003 on it, I'm not to worried about gaining hands on experience , although I will be learning something new. Thanks on the advice! I agree that the MCSE is one the most requested certs I've seen. However at the same time, if I did earn this cert I would hope that I would be distinguishable from other IT Professionals rather then be another person with an MSCE cert (I mean this in the nicest way, I understand that the MSCE is difficult to earn).
  • jimmy6067jimmy6067 Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Paul Boz wrote: »
    Knock out your current objectives and try to make a determination as to which material you enjoyed studying the most. You may like the idea of getting a bunch of Cisco certs but If you find the Network+ tough to get engaged with it may not be the best idea. What do you want to do in the long run?

    Honestly in the long run, I want to be involved in Security such as penetration testing, auditing, etc it's just something I really enjoy. In addition one of my long term goals is to get CISSP certified but they have a 5 year security background requirement. However if one has certain certifications and/or degrees they can count towards the security background requirement. One of certifications that counts just so happens to be the MCSE. BTW nice blog, I'm sure you had a fair share of pen testing w. BT4 or older
  • jimmy6067jimmy6067 Registered Users Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The CCNA and CCNA specialization tests are not easy. This is why they have value. MS tests are easier but you need to take more of them for Pro level certs. I say they are easier, but they are by no means something you can just walk in and take without prep.

    Don't be intimidated by these tests, you are more than capable of besting them. Just go in prepared and you'll be fine.

    Thanks for the words of advice and motivation! They are much appreciated.
  • za3bourza3bour Member Posts: 1,062 ■■■■□□□□□□
    What do you see your self a system engineer or a network engineer ? gaining Cisco certs costs more than MS (I think) but MS are more popular.

    Follow your passion you can start reading for both and pick whatever you think is close to your heart.

    If you wanna get MCSE i recommend you do the upgrade to MCITP so you will gain two certs in 2003 and 2008 and you will be up to date.

    Whatever you chose good luck, the forum here is a great source for both info and advice so don't hesitate in both.
  • snokerpokersnokerpoker Member Posts: 661 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I would suggest on doing A+ Network + and then doing an MCP Cert most likely the desktop os exam (xp or 7). From there, you can check out doing Linux+ and continuing to do the MCSA/MCSE or Cisco.
  • N2ITN2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I would focus on one cert at a time. Get one certification then make your next decision. I've never been big into planning that far our for certifications. Your job scope and technology change to frequently for that to be an accurate model.

    Honestly your only decision should be your first certification. Completed it and move on to the next one until you are either burnt out or satisfied where you are at.
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