Is Powershell a waste of time?

I know the arguments that people say that if your creating a lot of users or computers, etc, then powershell, csvd, and LDIFDE are great and a time saver. However, i've found that unless you can code very well, then you have the problems of syntax errors, importing files from notepad, excel, etc. and not to mention that it takes more time overall to cut the code. When I have to create a a single user or computer i just open ADUC and click on the icon at the top of the screen or right-click and go new|user or computer, etc.
If I've had to enter multiple users, then I just create a template and use that. So basically, what is the great thrill of cutting code when it is really faster and less aggravation to user the GUI?
Apparently the 640 exam has minimal questions related to powershell and is mainly if you can recognize it (or so I've read).
Any one else feel the same or am I out in left field?
If I've had to enter multiple users, then I just create a template and use that. So basically, what is the great thrill of cutting code when it is really faster and less aggravation to user the GUI?
Apparently the 640 exam has minimal questions related to powershell and is mainly if you can recognize it (or so I've read).
Any one else feel the same or am I out in left field?
Mojo_666 Member Posts: 438
Scripting has it's place but for an admin in a medium size company for the most part it is more hassle than it is worth, you can easily get scripts online for most required tasks but I agree the GUI is usually easier the only people I know who really user PowerShell are specialists who just deal with exchange issues mostly. -
wd40 Member Posts: 1,017 ■■■■□□□□□□
learning scripting can never be a bad thing, I have not started learning powershell yet but I plan to start soon.
example of the usefulness of scripting.
using a simple batch file "less than 20 lines" and a text file I managed to ping and log the response of more than 50 different devices, if I did not know that it was possible to do that with a batch file it would have taken more than 30 minutes from me each day to do that..
so even if you do not become an expert in powershell it will be good to know the basics. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
Yes the 640 exams only require you to know the basics about Powershell but if you get into a larger environment then powershell knowledge will become invaluable. In a smaller setting powershell will also have it's uses.
It's best to become familiar with at least the basics and also how to find example scripts which may help you in the future.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
Zartanasaurus Member Posts: 2,008 ■■■■■■■■■□
Figure out what repetitive tasks you have. Use PowerShell to solve the problem. Sure, it may take more time to write the script than it does to fix that problem right then, but next time, it's fixed with a click or scheduled task.Currently reading:
IPSec VPN Design 44%
Mastering VMWare vSphere 5 42.8% -
stevets Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
From an exam perspective, it isn't heavily focused on. From an administrative perspective, it can be quite useful.
I just used it yesterday to import 140 names and email addresses from a csv into AD Contact objects. It was the first time I had used PowerShell (with Quest Active Roles modules) on a scale like that, and it worked perfectly. I'll definitely be utilizing it more as time goes on.
In case anyone is curious about the script....
Import-Csv c:\beds.csv | foreach-object {New-QADObject -ParentContainer OU=contacts,dc=####,dc=local' -Type contact -name $_.Name -ObjectAttributes @{sn=$_.LastName;givenName=$_.firstname;mail=$}} -
Devilsbane Member Posts: 4,214 ■■■■■■■■□□
Yes for one user it is easier to manually do it. The beauty of the script is that values are consistant. And there is no doubt that when your company has just hired 100, or even 10-15 new employees that scripting is the champion.
I wish I knew more, and one of my incentives to purchasing the CBT Nuggets subscription is that it is now "free" for me to look into some shell scripting and powershell scripting. I'm pretty full steam 70-293 right now, but I'll probably start sneaking in videos here and there as I go.Decide what to be and go be it. -
RobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
*Cough, choke, gag* POWERSHELL A WASTE OF TIME!?!?!
Are you trying to kill me? Actually, for the exam, yes. I would say it is a waste.
But if you actually learn PoSh and learn it well you will not be wasting your time. It is now built into nearly every product and OS. I have said it before and I will say it again: if you are a Windows Admin and you have not already learned PowerShell, you are already behind the curve.