
Ummm... maybe my resume just sucks



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    draineydrainey Member Posts: 261

    I think the only thing holding you back is you, although it's understandable given your past experiences. But I too use to work a dead end $11/hr job. But I made the switch at 31 years of age(trust me it was hard and took a lot of work) and you can too. Just take a deep look at how frustrated you are with your situation and how much you've revealed that to us (strangers) and take some time to reflect on how you may have been perceived by potential employeers. You need to come across as ready to rock the hell of the job you know they're going to give you, not as "come on man someone has to give me a shot".

    The nice thing about IT is almost no-one cares about your age, most don't care about your race, religion, etc. either. All they want to know is that you eat, sleep and breathe IT and can do the job they are hiring you to do. So work it that way.

    Also I might suggest really considering where you want to be down the line, once you have made the successful leap to having your own place and finally living your own life. IT may not be all you think it is. IT requires constant learning, constant effort. And the higher up you go the more it requires. Along with learning, advancement brings pleasant things, like more hours, more stress, on call, un-realistic expectations by people who don't understand what you can and can't do with technology, etc.. And of course the constant hatred/jealousy of your non-IT co-workers who for some unknown reason seem to think you get paid alot (not so much) to just sit and wait for something to break.

    I am not trying to turn you off from IT nor do I wish to seem condescending or assinine about this. I truly feel that if you "whine" to us to get it off your chest, but keep a super positive attidue while job hunting you will have success.

    Best of luck. And pm me if you just want to 'vent' or talk.
    The irony truly is strange that you're the only one you can change. -- Anthony Gomes
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    DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□

    Like a said, if the A+ is a building block to jobs like Geek Squad, PC Repair or something like PC Rollouts.. which is essentially hooking up computers.. I don't see why those jobs are so difficult to achieve and it really shouldn't be.

    I sorry if we sound harsh, and belive me many of us have spent time where you are now. so we have an idea where you are comming from.

    i picked out that quote becasue you mention " it shouldn't be". That is possibly the most often mistake people make when job searching. There is no rule to say it is not hard. In fact it is extreamly hard, and the first one is the harderst!

    Don't give up, take note of the last few posts as they have some really good points. When you get an interview go in to the job with the attuded you are the best person they are going to interview for the job. Don't go over board but be positive and show a passion for IT (that is a huge part of working in IT the passion). and it might take time but you will get a job.
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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    earweedearweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You have gotten a lot of good advice here given by a lot of people who have been very patient and supportive. The main thing to take from all this is that it's not easy to break into, or be successful in, IT. You've got a lot of work ahead of you and you first need to look at your own attitude and quit being self defeating.
    Set your goal, work toward it, achieve it.
    No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.
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    someuser23someuser23 Member Posts: 103
    I've gotten feel good speeches and stories and that's great but the problem I'm having I really don't think anyone here will be able to understand.

    I'm gonna get a couple more certs, stick to my crap job and when the certs come in, then I'll go back to applying. I need help at the very core level and it's a level most you guys just don't seem to get and it's not your fault so I'll take my time.

    I need major resume help and I'm going to save up and have someone do it for me, all of it, I think it's better this way since I'm not good with words and I'm tired and I'm frustrated enough.

    Thank you.
    Ribs still touching....
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    someuser23someuser23 Member Posts: 103
    I'm not making anymore post on this board, I want to be around to be able to get the practice test. I don't think this board is much help outside of the "I busted my ass for x____________ years" comment so I'm gonna hang it up.

    For the record I do work pretty hard but I need help with some areas and you guys are the ones to assist at all.

    It's been fun.

    Ribs still touching....
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